
Crash rumble
Crash rumble

A lot of my matches were pretty one sided, mostly with one opponent perpetually AFK with seemingly no time out kick, but the game is a lot of fun when you’re evenly matched. Obviously that’s not an issue with the game itself, which actually does a pretty good job of teaching you, and caps it off with a bot match (which are available at any time).

Crash rumble full#

So far, it seems most players have skipped the tutorial and I hope that trend doesn’t continue into the full game. However, problems do arise if you have someone shirking their duty. Whoever you choose, you’re not restricted to only doing what your role states scorers can activate boosts, boosters can attack, and blockers can score.

crash rumble

Players can choose any role they want, but I have found the most balanced team composition is two Scorers, two Boosters, and one Blocker. Lastly, Dingo Dile is the lone Blocker, with powerful attacks and a lot of health to prevent the other team from scoring or defend the base. Crash and Tawna are Scorers, which means they’re suited to gathering and delivering wumpa, while Coco and Cortex serve as Boosters, activating score bonuses, traps, and items around the map. Characters are divided into three roles, and while the beta only has five characters more will be in the full game and added later on.

crash rumble

The basic premise of each match is to collect more wumpa fruit than your opponent, deliver it to your base, and be the first team to gain 2000 wumpa. We got the opportunity to play the Crash Team Rumble beta before the full game releases, and while the player count is unfortunately small, there is a lot of fun to be found here. The explanation is pretty straightforward: the Scorers are great at collecting Wumpa and quickly bringing it back to their team's bank the Blockers' job is to defend the bank and otherwise fight with the other team to prevent them from scoring lastly, the Boosters are well-suited to capturing Gem Pads and/or Relic Stations.Crash Bandicoot doesn’t exactly seem like the IP to make a competitive team game around, but it can work surprisingly well. That's not to say a Booster or a Blocker cannot score it's just what they are optimal at. Each playable character in the game excels at one of three roles: Booster, Blocker, or Scorer.One example of these events is the Beach Ball that players can use to literally smash through opponents. Then there's another strategic layer, the so-called Relic Stations, which Toys for Bob described as map-changing events activated by collecting Relics.The boost is stackable, too, which means that capturing multiple Gem Pads will further increase your scoring potential. Teams can capture Gem Pads, which boost their scoring potential by 30%.Combat is how you can prevent the other team from scoring, but playing the objective (gathering Wumpa) is what players should really be doing most of the time.

crash rumble

The first team to fill the bar with 2K Wumpa wins the match. You'll have to wander through the maps to break boxes, collect Wumpa, and get it back to your bank to 'score'.

  • The basic goal in a Crash Team Rumble match will be to gather more Wumpa fruit than the rival team.
  • The playable characters all have unique abilities, locomotion, and even stats like Health, Wumpa Capacity, Combat, Mobility, and Difficulty, making for interesting choices.

    crash rumble

    In this game, two teams of four players each will face off.

    Crash rumble